the ability to read, write or alter data; there can be varying degrees or levels; one can grant access by permissions; see your browser’s Help for how to grant permissions to websites to different levels of access to your computer
relations,, usually formal, established for some service between parties
a location designation; examples, a webpage :; an email: ; an directory: c:\programs\browsers\aSafeOne\
abbr.. for advertisement
entity seeking to sell something through a display; for example, a single business with a display on a webpage; or, a group of companies acting with an ad agency to present displays on a webpage.
to re-arrange, esp. to form new words or phrases from existing ones such as’ ‘Rome and ‘more’
to be a part of; when said of advertisers, it generally means that they share information; for example, data stored in cookies
a small part of; in computer terms, either character of a two character language; consider a language that uses just 0 and 1 as characters, where the 0’s and 1’s turn off / on switches, the more bits the more complexity can be expressed; a 128-bit message would have a chance to be more complex than a 40-bit message; that’s why 128-bit encryption is better than say 40-bit encryption
has been opened; 1) when said of a secret message (an encryption), the message has been cracked and any further messaging using the same encryption is also likely to be broken; 2) when said of computer programs, the program in some way (usually fatal) does not work
software used to explore or navigate; when called a web browser it is used to explore the internet; popular web browser examples: Netscape Navigator [tm] and Internet Explorer[tm]; others also exist such as Opera [tm]; they can be stand alone such as the products named or incorporated into other software; a browser is sometimes called client-side software as the user is considered a client of the entity that is serving the client with a server computer running server-side software; web browsers with a particular encryption capability call Secure Socket Layer (SSL) are sometimes called SSL browsers
to have been deliberately overheard, esp. with a listening device at a distance
approval or identification; 1) when dealing security, an entity grants certificates to those that pass their criteria for security and identifies the bearer; 2) when dealing with privacy, the certificate identifies the bearer; in both cases a granting entity is known as a Certificate Authority and is usually a private company; also see digital signature
a letter number or symbol
action usually performed with the mouse on a screen control such as an underlined item (a link), a button or checkbox; however, today a click can be performed in many ways such a by voice command
when speaking of the web, one who visits a site with a web browser, the browser or the computer where the browser runs ; thus, a “client user” would be one uses say the web browser; related phrases: “client-side” (the guess side that is served webpages) as opposed to “server-side” (the host side that serves up the webpages)
to exit a window; under MS Windows 95 and above, one way to exit a window is to click the X in the upper right hand corner of most windows
to command; screen displays can have controls such as dropdown list boxes, buttons and other such objects
text files that are usually created by websites on a client’s (user’s) hard drive enabling the site that created it to store information; the client user has full access to cookies; the client can for example block open rename and delete cookies
to make readable; to remove the encryption (cipher); to decipher; to turn to plaintext
implying the lack of a programmed in intelligence
electronic mail
to write a message in such a way that others cannot read it without having the proper decryption method; to encypher
as used on the web by marketers, often means you have to endure advertising to get something else that may be of value such as free internet service; but, can also be used as a ploy to gather personal information or value from you in some other form
United States Federal Trade Commission
when referring to web browsers, the record of sites visited
the preferred introductory point to a website
principle language used to present webpages in a web browser; however, today HTML is used in other applications such as email.
Internet Explore major release versions 4 and 5 of the Microsoft Corporation; IE5.1 would be indicate a minor release (1) of major release (5)
entity, a website or email sender attempting to pose as some other entity; using secure browsers and email programs, authenticate entities by certificates or digital ID
indicates a computer virus present
Internet Service Provider
service that provides access to the internet (the word wide web, the web, the net)
junk email
junk mail
spam or unwanted email; usually from an advertiser; but, can be more harmful with attachments files that are really viruses; replying to such mail in anyway confirms your email address; displayed in html email programs, some spam may have images (perhaps invisible) that report back to the sender the id of cookies sent earlier; this in turn allows the sender to match email address with the otherwise anonymous cookies; to combat this, users can 1) switch to non-html mode before viewing suspected spam, 2) delete suspected spam, 3) disable their modem before viewing suspected spam; new email programs might warn users of this spam trick
a means of opening; for example, a password is a key to an account; a public-key and a private-key are used in asymetric cryptograhic systems (encryption systems)
the most recent as in the most recent version of some software: the latest release
the amount you are responsible for when speaking about credit cards
to take on or in; just as one might load a laundry machine, a program might load in data; just as one might put things on a truck (up-load) or take things off the truck (down-load), one might upload files to a server computer or download files from a server computer
portable information storage such as disks, CD’s, tapes
mother’s maiden name
mother’s name before first marriage
computer pointing device
Microsoft Corporation
often internet; sometimes any network in general
referenced against a known, norm or standard; to normalize
not on a computer network; rarely, not on any computer; in seminars with computer geeks, it means at a time when the speaker is not speaking to everyone
see off-line
optionally get out of such as a banner advertiser’s program where cookies are placed on the user’s computer when the user visits one of the banner adverting agency’s associates
used to log-in to a system, a key to an account such as an email account or an internet account; a password is different than a ‘user name’; passwords are typically blanked out while typing, but user names are not
privacy, security or information affirmations
policy wizard
software for generating privacy, security or information policies for websites; ones based on the W3C Platform for Policy Preferences provide a industry standard base for priacy policy — good for consumers and business
often refers to a ‘real world’ street address
as pertains to cookies, user’s likes such as screen properties (such as size, color), browser, items on the screen, places to go, etc.
out of the view of others; implies some form of security to keep it private, but security must be expressly used to insure privacy; privacy policies make claims to insure privacy of information
often refers to computer programs, but can refer to such things as advertising campaigns as in ‘a banner ad program
a set of communication rules
often used in opposition to the virtual world of on-line or internet experiences
sometimes referred to as cyberpunk utilities or anonymous mailers, these are services (often free) that promise to hide the sender’s email address from the receiver; remailers are often just individuals that come and go; programs automate the process, but there is no guarantee
Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Exchange
protocol for secure email exchange
definitely a relative term for secure; nothing is perfectly safe; things are relatively safer than other things where safety can be defined in terms of numbers; for example, credit cards transactions on the internet are safer than non-internet credit card transaction where the percentage of fraudulent credit card transactions on the internet is less than elsewhere
a set of instructions; there are script languages such as JavaScript and VBScript that are used to go beyond the capabilities of the HyperText MarkUp Language (HTML)
seal, privacy
a sign, emblem or marking indicating a website’s membership to an organization that professes to impose privacy standards on its members
the establishment, enforcement or uses of some kind of protection, chiefly against an outside force attempting entry
Secure Electronic Transfer
protocol for exchange credit card information over networks
to completely turn off as of a computer; rarely it means to unplug; when it does mean to unplug a distinction should be drawn along the lines of power-down vs. shut-down; shut-down mean an entire procedure such as first turn off computer than turn off monitor, etc. indicated by a phrase such as “shut-down system”
signature, digital
used with email to identify sender; see certificates
implies some form of self contained programmed intelligence
see junk email
Secure Socket Layer
a means for securely surfing the web; websites that support the protocol have an address that starts with “https://” instead of just “http://”; browsers that support the protocol are here referred to as SSL browsers and they generally also support SET
Social Security Number
a number assigned by the U. S. government to individuals and considered valuable personal information; a key to identity theft
to explore the internet with a web browser
a certificate authority
to go to a website with a web browser
Microsoft Windows 95 / 98 or 2000 operating system
an article in a magazine or newspaper