FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, June 22, 1998 |
Contact: Sydney Rubin, 301/654-5991
Ignition Communications Megan Lamb, 703/435-6000, ext 111 |
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Nearly 50 American companies and associations today announced creation of the Online Privacy Alliance, an influential cross-industry coalition committed to protecting the privacy of individuals in cyberspace.
The group released a statement of its mission, detailed guidelines for online privacy policies and a set of principles to safeguard the privacy of children.
“The privacy practices of these companies and associations, individually and as part of this Alliance, will influence the way all business is conducted on the Internet for years to come,” said Christine Varney, a former FTC commissioner and advisor to the group.
Many members of the Alliance, which began formal meetings about three months ago, will participate later this week at a two-day summit on Internet privacy sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce. The meeting is part of the government’s continuing efforts to define policies on content, privacy and other issues related to developing a new medium.
Members joining the Alliance agree to: identify and advance effective privacy policies across the private sector; support and foster the development and use of self-regulatory enforcement mechanisms and activities, as well as technology that helps protect privacy; and, support compliance with and strong enforcement of laws and regulations. Members also agree to support and foster practices and policies that protect the privacy of children; promote broad awareness of and participation in Alliance initiatives by businesses, non-profit organizations, consumers and others; and, seek input and support for Alliance initiatives from consumers, businesses, academics, advocacy groups and others.
The Online Privacy Alliance represents the most widespread effort ever undertaken by business to create an online environment that respects privacy. The growing list of companies and associations — which represent thousands of other companies conducting e-commerce — are listed at
“Alliance members have made a remarkable effort to find common ground on some very complex issues and provide leadership in setting standards for protecting privacy,” Ms. Varney said.
The Alliance childrens’ policy states that sites intended for children must not collect online contact information from a child under 13 without prior parental consent or without direct parental notification of the nature and intended use of the information.
The guidelines include a requirement that Alliance members implement a set of privacy policies that address notice and disclosure, choice, data security, data quality and access.
In addition, the group announced plans for an education campaign designed to reach a million businesses to encourage them to adopt Alliance policies and practices. A campaign aimed at consumers will teach people how to protect personal data. Alliance members are finalizing an enforcement and consumer redress policy and have set a timetable for completion.
Information on the Alliance and contact numbers for it members can be obtained by contacting: Sydney Rubin at Ignition Communications, phone: 301/654-5991 or email, or Megan Lamb at 703/435-6000, ext. 111.
Online Privacy Alliance members include:
Acxiom; American Advertising Federation; American Electronics Association; America Online, Inc.; AT&T; Bay Networks; Bell Atlantic; CASIE (representing Association of National Advertisers and American Association of Advertising Agencies); Cisco; Compaq; Dell; Direct Marketing Association; Disney; Dun & Bradstreet; Eastman Kodak, Co.; eBay Inc.; EDS; E-LOAN; Equifax; Ernst and Young; Ford; Hewlett Packard; IBM; Individual Reference Services Group; Information Industry Association; Information Technology Association of America; Information Technology Industry Council; Interactive Services Association; LEXIS-NEXIS; Lucent Technologies; MatchLogic; MCI; Microsoft; NationsBank; NCR; NETCOM Online Communications Services, Inc.; Netscape; Oracle; Preview Travel; Price Waterhouse; Procter & Gamble; Sun Microsystems; Time Warner; United States Council for International Business; Viacom; Xerox